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Condominium Property Regulations

Condominium Property Regulations

Zona Franca de Urabá Propiedad Horizontal is in charge of the administration, organization and control of the human, financial, material and asset resources of the co-ownership, in order to obtain the maximum benefit and pertinent management of internal affairs of the Co-Owners within the industrial park. In this co-ownership we are constant in our accountability to the board of directors, who are present for decision-making that benefits the interested parties.

We are a Co-ownership that watches over the rights and duties of those who make it up, promoting healthy coexistence and good neighborhood practices. For this reason we highlight the following:



In order to preserve and enjoy common domain assets, it is important that our co-owners put the following into practice:

In this co-ownership we work hard in favor of the maintenance of the common areas with the aim of preserving and conserving their useful life. Maintain a clean and pleasant appearance for the enjoyment of same. Our security is constant and continuous, with 24-hour surveillance and closed circuit television.